SEHAB, The Voice of the Salmon Enhancement Program Volunteer


Our Vision: Pacific Region communities living sustainably within the natural limitations of healthy ecosystems supporting abundant and biologically diverse Pacific salmonids.


Our Mission: SEHAB C.A.R.E.S. SEHAB is the voice of the volunteer community dedicated to:
Educating, and
Supporting its endeavours.
SEHAB and the community have a shared commitment of ensuring functioning ecosystems supporting viable, genetically diverse and abundant indigenous fish populations.


Our partner, Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)


DFO Vision: Excellence in service to Canadians to ensure the sustainable development and safe use of Canadian waters.


DFO Mission: It is our mission, as DFO employees, to deliver to Canadians the following outcomes:

  • Safe and Accessible Waterways;
  • Healthy and Productive Aquatic Ecosystems; and
  • Sustainable Fisheries and Aquaculture.

In working toward these outcomes, the Department will be guided by the principles of sound scientific knowledge and effective management.

DFO Mandate, on behalf of the Government of Canada, DFO is responsible for developing and implementing policies and programs in support of Canada’s scientific, ecological, social and economic interests in oceans and fresh waters.

Salmonid Enhancement Program:


The Salmonid Enhancement Program (SEP) plays a key role in DFO's work to conserve and manage Pacific salmon stocks. The program's activities aim to rebuild vulnerable salmon stocks, provide harvest opportunities, work with First Nations and coastal communities in economic development, and improve fish habitat to sustain salmon populations. SEP broke new ground when it was launched in 1977 by working closely with citizens and schools to raise awareness of salmon conservation and to carry out hands-on community salmon enhancement and stewardship projects. Three of the program's main activities are:



SEHAB Member: Tracy Bond

Area: Northern Interior

Community Advisor: Roy Argue/Tina Chestnut

Date: June 2012


SEHAB Work Plan 2011-2012

Local Issue, Specific Examples

Actions by Community or DFO

SEHAB Opportunity

Wild Salmon Policy:

5 year Review


Habitat Protection and Enforcement

Stock Assessment and

Salmon Enhancement

Break Down of Fisheries Act, Closures of D.F.O. offices, Decreased Habitat Protection in many areas of the Northern Interior.

Community Stewards want political advocacy to speak on behalf of their concerns as they are limited to what political activities they can engage in with some funding they receive and their society status.


Investigate the advocacy rules with Society Status and communicate to groups through SEHAB rep and through StreamTalk.

Pacific Aquaculture Policy and SEP:

Annual License/ Permit







Capacity and Funding

Core Funding

Project Funding



Widespread Need for long term core funding to continue leveraging of local volunteer and in kind donations to support Salmon and d Salmon Habitat.




Capacity and Core Funding Working Group

Work with Stewardship Works or ? to ensure environmental advocacy for funding issues is functional at a provincial and federal level.





SEHAB Submissions, Comments from Groups:

Submission that came in after SEHAB meeting in June... will bring forward at fall meeting.

An idea that came from Sue Hemphil (Scout Island Nature Centre, Horsefly River Roundtable) Williams Lake and Horsefly.

If I am not too late here is another idea to share with the powers that be--
In the Globe and Mail Saturday May 26 in the Focus section--an article about Jeffrey Skoll who just received Order of Canada because of his commitment to social causes and innovative practice of philanthropy.  He founded e bay.  He calls it impact invesing--channelling fuds into projects that yield a tangible social benefit as well as financial returns.  He is the only Canadian among 81 billionaires to sign the Giving Pledge in the two years since Bill Gates and Mr. Buffett called on the superrich to stop hoarding their wealth .  He expects to give 95% of his wealth away--but his way.  He believes in social entrepreneurship and fosters it by providing long term funding and freedom to innovate rather than annual grants tied to specific conditions
Brilliant minds think alike.