SEHAB Member:  Elizabeth Hardy

Area:  West Vancouver-Howe Sound- Pemberton

Community Advisor: Rob Bell-Irving

Date: November 2015

Key Issues:

What top three points can you distill from community input to take to DFO RHQ?

  1.  Lack of support from DFO to volunteer groups and no idea who else to turn to for help
  2.  Lack of recognition from DFO for volunteer skills
  3.  Continued frustration for lack of enforcement for fishing violations

Issues Specific to SEHAB’s Work Plan:

SEHAB Work Plan

Local Issue, Specific  Examples

Actions by Community or DFO

SEHAB Opportunity

Wild Salmon Policy (Stock Assessment, Habitat)








Capacity & Core Funding




Submissions, Comments from Groups:

West Vancouver Shoreline Society:

The West Van Shoreline Preservation Society has had a tough year with one Director suddenly dying, one other suffering a debilitating stroke and two others undergoing some treatment so 2014 was not a good period for us. 

We made application under the Recreational Fisheries Conservation Partnership Program for a grant to complete a project.  It required quite a bit of cost estimating, liaising with potential partners, etc and then we haven’t heard a thing since submitting the application. We phoned two different DFO people asking if we could come and talk to them to get some guidance and help but NO, just do the online stuff and hope it is accepted. Very poor attitude by DFO.  But one doesn’t complain or they will blacklist you for the future.     I note one place they said the bureaucracy was outstripping volunteer time.

Workshops – somehow it seems these are scheduled when we have something else scheduled and are often far enough away that several days time is involved so we haven’t been able to attend them. Someday maybe.